Review of 2024 and look forward to 2025

Review of 2024

Wow what a year, wet, wet, wet and with health issues I was amazed to find it’s been one of my busiest yet with well over 100 events on website, which decided to crash, but with sticky tape and glue we are still going. As ever a big mix of all sorts of transport, its variety which makes it fun.  Even on days away with family I have sneaked some breakfast and evening meets in.

Okay I know I am lucky living in the south, close to several great meeting places which means when feeling OK I could just drive up to get a fix. I also brought a yearly membership for Brooklands which has helped in a few visits, and especially with disabled parking.  But I’ve still managed a lot of miles on the Vespa to many events, especially at the coast and although due to hospital appointments, I didn’t make the Isle of Wight scooter festival, I’ve already penciled it in for 2025 though maybe in car.

Some of the local bike nights and breakfast clubs have grown and grown in size and the amount of venues providing meets also. These have included local NCC meets, Spur hot  rod night, West Park Bognor Bike Night, Mancave cars and coffee, Mono Motorcycles, West Beach Cafe and Ockham Bites Bike Night which has become very popular.

It’s been great meeting new groups and also to see so many younger riders at these , please try and keep supporting these venues where you can over the colder months , even if buying a tea or cake. And of course, some great charity events.

Although we have lost a few bike shops, including some well-established ones, it’s nice to see some new ones appear such as South Downs Motorcycles, and other shops evolve. Which I think also is why some of the bike manufacturers have changed tack with some smaller models in ranges as the demographic changes.

Although my operation went well, there will be no change to the vespa as I’m not able to ride geared bikes on days I’m up to riding hopefully in the spring I will be able to. It’s also fun and goes easily to 70mph

New Years day Tractor run a different way to start the year.

Sunbeam MC 100 at Brooklands, which although wet had a great turnout, its already on calendar for 2025.

Berkshire egg run even getting lost , well it is Berkshire, didn’t stop the enjoyment.

Beaky’s Harley Bootfair always good for browsing and meeting friends

Butchers Hook Charity Bike Meet was fun and very different

The Early Hookup was possibly one of the coolest events of the years I attended

15th Bulldog run a great cause and an amazing turnout mi hope to male it earlier next year

Musos on bikes still the best one-day event and fun band

HDRCGB 75 Anniversary so pleased to be asked to do the photoshoot again

The Hop up a feel-good event at a great venue and cool vibes

Big knock 2024 although a brief drop in had one of coolest bikes of year

Freewheel Burning how do the chopper club do it, glorious sunshine and cool bikes.

Brooklands Bike Day a great day out

Southern Comfort Rally a great drop in to see friends and great silly games

Summer classic bike show was good as ever

Bad Wabbits Shindig a new venue, and as great a show as ever

Reigate scooter club Ride to the ranch meeting and making new fiends

Brighton Mod Weekender was wet, dry and wet but good fun

summer Pioner Run a perfect  bijou event for veterans

P and D Custom Show was as busy as ever

VJMCC Megameet I always find it funny that now bikes I consider are new are now vintage

Brooklands American day had some great vehicles but was hard work walking around

AMOC show good vibes even on a wet day

Ace Cafe Burnup blustery and damp, but I made the best of the morning

Drink Drop and Doss a much-needed trip to Kent

Pioneer Run thanks to my wife for driving me to this to get a fix following my op

Sykes Chapter day was incredibly busy

Worthing Custom Scooter Show was a good morning out on the blustery south coast

London to Brighton Veteran car run a different viewpoint this year but great to see the crocks in action

30th Shoreham Remembrance Service was possibly busiest yet

Golden lions toy run, even the biblical weather did not stop the faithful on a ride for a good cause

Ockham Bites Christmas jumper meet was fun on a damp day

And well done to Surrey NCC for their 1st Christmas Run for children’s ward.

With hopefully a boxing day meet to go that kind of wraps up the year

Thank you for all the support this year, and here wishing you all the best for the season

So plans for 2025 obviously I shall be out New Years Day as always good tom start the year as plan to go on. Then as weather improves I hope to get back on the scooter and  get to some events on it, but I will be careful. I really hope to get to Kickback, which now has hot-rods. There are two scooter events I want to try for the big 7 and Isle of Wight. Obviously, a few Chopper Club events and hopefully more Kent events as I missed many this year.

Feel free to keep sending ideas of events and I will see you out there somewhere

I will populate some albums below with some of favourite pictures from the year

Take care all,


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